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Waiting list

Waiting List Open

Children can join Kindergarten from the intake before their 3rd birthday ( 2 years 6 months+)

Our main Kindergarten intake is in September with a smaller intake in April.   Our next intake will be September 2024.  Families registered on our waiting list are offered places first, with priority given to those requesting a place for 3 days per week. We require a minimum attendance of 2 days a week.

Join the waiting list

Waiting List Fee is £30 - non refundable

Days required
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This is a non refundable administration fee.  Families registered on the waiting list are offered kindergarten places first with priority given to those looking to enrol their child for 3 days a week.

A place on the waiting list does not automatically guarantee a kindergarten place but gives you the best chance of securing one.

An additional fee - currently £125 - is required to cover the provision of waterproofs, water bottle and settling session. Once offered a place, we require this payment to secure your child's enrolment with us.

Thank you for joining our waiting list!

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